Rewilding: Balancing Nature Restoration and Cultural Preservation

Rewilding, a global movement to restore ecosystems, has ecological benefits like increased biodiversity. But it impacts traditional land use and cultural communities. Positive impacts include aligning with indigenous practices and empowering communities. Negative impacts can disrupt traditional practices. Strategies for a balanced approach involve community engagement and alternative livelihoods. Successful examples include partnerships with indigenous communities in Canada and the UK. In Australia, rewilding projects collaborate with indigenous communities, fostering cultural pride and ecological restoration. In the Northern Rivers, NSW, rewilding efforts align with Aboriginal practices, strengthening their connection to ancestral lands. This restores the ecosystem and cultural heritage.

Rewilding: Restoring Ecosystems for Climate Resilience

Humans have profoundly impacted the natural world, resulting in a movement known as rewilding, aiming for large-scale ecosystem restoration. It differs from ecology and bush regeneration by focusing on creating interconnected landscapes with minimal human intervention. Rewilding promotes climate resilience and has succeeded globally, including in Australia's fragile ecosystem. The Northern Rivers region demonstrates positive rewilding impact.

Rewilding Me: Crafting a Holistic Legacy Through Writing and Planting

Legacy encompasses more than material inheritance. Sharing stories, values, and experiences forms a non-financial legacy for future generations. Swedish Death Cleaning eliminates the burden of unwanted items and promotes rehoming or repurposing, reducing environmental impact. By crafting a holistic legacy of environmental stewardship and personal values, one can shape their enduring imprint on the world.

Embracing Life at Fifty: My Journey Towards Mindfulness and Minimalism

The passage reflects on aging, embracing change, and finding harmony with nature. The author, Liss Caldwell, shares experiences of facing mortality, embracing life's rhythms, and minimizing their environmental footprint. They highlight the interconnectedness of individual actions and advocate for positive change. The message encourages personal reflection and taking small steps to make a positive impact on others and the environment.

Creating with Flow – a re-introduction & update

The change of seasons, full and new moons, solstices, equinox and eclipses all seem to stimulate my creativity in some way. I enjoy being in flux with the changing seasons and lead by the nature that surrounds me. I'm up with the birds and nesting when they are. The current rain and nip in the … Continue reading Creating with Flow – a re-introduction & update