The Self-Editing Masterclass: Polishing Your Prose Before Submission

Congratulations. You've poured your heart and soul into your manuscript, crafting a world and characters that resonate deeply. Before you hit send and forward to your Structural/Substantive Editor or send on that query letter, there's a crucial step: self-editing. Self-editing equips you with the power to transform your raw manuscript into a polished gem, ready … Continue reading The Self-Editing Masterclass: Polishing Your Prose Before Submission

Writer, Author or Authorpreneur?

Writer, Author or Authorpreneur? Which one are you?

Byron Bay Writer’s Festival 2017

How to get the most out of your festival @bbwritersfest #byronwf2017 Top tips to a magic #ByronBay #Byronwritersfestival2017

Inspire No Excuse

No excuses An Ink well of reminders to keep me flowing forward in 2017. People who inspire me from Quirkistas to quotes.

Byron Bay Writer’s Festival

It was all hands on deck on opening day, Friday the 5th of August as Co-Chair of the #Byronwf2016 Jennifer St George directed traffic into the car park. After pumping water from the site for 36 hours and battling rain and high winds bringing marquees down, the festival opened to the sell out crowd. 2016 … Continue reading Byron Bay Writer’s Festival